Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Garden

Here is a recent photo of the yard. We've been working on it here and there. Darren finished the chicken's yard. He built a compost bin which you can see to the right of the chicken's fence. He also built a third veggie bed, so I can to do some fall/winter planting this year.

Here are two of my veggie beds. There is zucchini, papaya pear squash, serrano peppers, yellow peppers, bell peppers, green beans, butternut squash and swish chard planted here.
My corn, more butternut squash, grapes, and mini pumpkins.

Mothzilla! We found him in the garden, newly hatched. He was GIGANTIC!

And the rain barrels Darren built.


  1. Hey girl, haven't talked in a while. I am curious. Can you explain the rain barrels??? I interested. Thanks.

  2. Sure! When it rains, the barrels will fill from the gutter drain, which has a screen to catch debris. When the first barrel is full it will overflow into the second barrel. Darren put spouts at the bottom to attach a hose so we can use the rain water for our chickens and the garden. Just a good way to catch and recycle rainwater.
