Tuesday, June 16, 2009


It's funny how a split second can change everything! I was riding my bike on Friday night, minding my own business and almost home. When I decided to check my back tire for a flat. I have had a couple flat tires recently after riding down the bike trail so I thought I'd make a quick check. NOT a good choice to have made while in motion! I have major problems with my neck, I have a herniated disk that messes with a lot of things, balance being one of them. I know better than to turn my head the way I did, especially while riding. As I turned my head back I got dizzy, lost my balance, swerved to miss the pole that totally was NOT even in my way and you guessed it.....I flew off my bike into the street...SPLAT! Everything flew out of my basket into the street along with me. So there I lay, my pretty pink bike on top of me and surrounded by my bike locks, Kleen Kanteen, keys, garage door opener, etc. TOTAL humiliation. Thankfully there were no cars on my side of the street, otherwise I'd have been run over. A lady was coming the other direction and she stopped to make sure I was ok. I mumbled that I was fine, just embarrassed and thankfully she drove on by. I think I would have cried if she stopped to help me. I gathered my stuff and limped my way home. I walked for about almost a block before I got back on my bike. I felt bad for laying her out in the street! Well, the truth is....I was way more worried about my bike than I was about myself! Thankfully there is not a single scratch on my pretty pink bike! Now ME on the other hand....I am still finding bruises. I landed pretty hard on my left hip and elbow. I scraped up my left ankle and bruised it pretty good, my left hand and elbow have scrapes, and of course the culprit of my mishap, my neck....it is none too happy with me right now! The feeling is mutual! SO the moral of this story and my lesson learned IS.... never ever check for a flat tire while still in motion, get off the bike!

PS I did order a new helmet after this incident!


  1. Just checking on you to make sure you are okay. Haven't heard from you in a while.

  2. aww, i'm sorry about your luck!! i know that kind of incident, stuff like that just finds me! was anyone at least there to kiss your owies when you got back home? i hope so :-)

    feel better soon

  3. Thanks guys! Yea My husband was nice and didn't laugh at me!
    Lue-Anne, I haven't had much time on the computer lately. But I am here and okay. :)
