Friday, June 5, 2009

Working my a$$ off...

Or at least trying to! This last pregnancy I gained the least amount of weight, and I am thankful for that. I think a lot of the reason is because I became a vegetarian and also cut dairy out of my diet. I ate very healthy, for the most part. But despite my best efforts, I still had about 35 pounds to drop after coming home from the hospital. Fast forward a year, and I have 5 of those pounds left. I still want to lose more though, I would like to get down to the weight I was before I had ANY of my kids. My goal is to get back to 113lbs. So I thought by posting that for EVERYONE to read it would motivate me to make it happen. I have been riding my bike every night at least 8 miles (more when I can) and 20 miles on the weekends. Also I started my regular work out of aerobics and yoga again...I sorta got off track and hadn't done it for almost 2 months, shame on me. Let's see if I can stick to it and make it happen !


  1. Keep up the good work! I wish I had that much motivation. I haven't actually ridden a bike in years. The last time ended with a trip to ER digging gravel out of both knees. It makes me want to try to take of some of my weight too.

  2. Wow! You should be proud of yourself for losing all but five pounds within a year! That is awesome!
