Thursday, January 8, 2009

Amoebas...Did she say Amoebas?

Anyone who knows me well will agree that I worry too much. And that I can be a bit of a hypochondriac. The simplest of ailments can quickly turn into a brain aneurysm or blood clots headed straight for my heart to cause sudden death for me. Now, freaking out as I do, I still insist on watching medical shows. Dr. G Medical Examiner is definitely not a show I should watch! As she explains why these people have died I sit thinking about how whatever killed them must be whats wrong with me. So I have been good and have not watched that show for awhile. Yesterday I was watching something more suited for me, Rachel Ray. Well guess who was on ....Dr. G. She was talking about simple ways not to die, things she has learned over the years being a medical examiner. One way was to use a nose plug when swimming in lakes. Why, you might ask. Well of course, to keep the amoebas from going up your nose to your brain where they will kill you of course! Huh? Apparently amoebas like warm water . When the weather is nice and the lakes heat up the amoebas get stirred up. Great, one more thing to worry about. Kids get your goggles, we're going the bathtub! Wait, hold up! Isn't the bathtub the number one spot where most household accidents occur? Nevermind, kids...get the bubble wrap!

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